The Peshwai Procession, also known as Peshwai Juloos, is a major tradition associated with the Kumbh Mela. Arrival of the Akhara Members or Sadhus at the Kumbh Mela is when it is held. This grand procession is a spectacle of devotion and grandeur, heralding the commencement of the holy event.
Practices and Rituals:
The sadhus cover themselves with saffron robes and sacred ashes. The holy men traverse through the streets in a majestic display of reverence and piety. The procession is done by chants, music, and sincere devotees, manifesting the timeless traditions and spiritual fervour of the Kumbh Mela.
The procession is characterised by a collection of objects and pictures, including elephants and horses. The Sadhus often perform acrobatic skills and breathtaking displays of their martial skills with the help of swords. The term ‘Peshwai’ means the reception of a guest or the office or function of a Maratha chief (or Peshwa).
This tradition is a testament to the long-lasting power of faith, where the spiritual and the temporal merge during the holy dips in the sacred rivers. It sets the stage for holy spiritual experiences and interactions, making it a key highlight of the Kumbh Mela.